Monday, January 21, 2019

Spring cleaning

Each year she cleans out her cupboards , drawers , boxes , suitcases filled with knicks knacks and memories.
She cleaned the bottom drawer in her cupboard yesterday and found such trash.
Receipts of unnecessary and expensive shopping , smeared with the after-taste of  bitter arguments over shortage of money.
Fuel bills of silent and sullen drives , fee receipts of goal-less classes , takeaway menus of eateries never tried.
Till she came across a small card which said - You inspire me to be a better version of myself.
A faint smile , a whiff of a sigh and she put the card back in the drawer.
The marriage survived another spring cleaning. 

Sunday, January 13, 2019


Writing after a hiatus of almost 5 years. Venturing into spoken word poetry.

Clutching my heart

When she said your kids will take priority over you , 
I didn't really know what my mum meant.
She didn't mean to say , of course , your life will be held at ransom from now on,
by rogues who you would surrender to , daily.
And that it'll bleed through your eyes , 
everytime a knee is skinned , cough racks sleep or a surgeon stitches wounds.
Now we are exploring this journey together , I holding their fingers and they clutching my heart.